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And unlike being born with a lovely set of pipes, tight vocal doubling is a relatively easily learned skill.

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making words the exact same length) is more important than beautiful tone quality. I find that being as consistent as possible with pitch, tone, and phrasing (i.e. Stacking vocal performances can yield really impressive results even if you’re not a great singer (though admittedly I was coming off four solid nights of gigging here ). bad… you probably noticed that my raw vocal performances don’t exactly give Christina Aguilera a run for her money, and that’s part of the point. But keep in mind that besides saving time, take recording lets you lay down unlimited takes and sort through the good and bad ones later. First of all, you certainly don’t need to record all the vocals in one take – you could separately record the four layers of each harmony. There’s a couple things I want to point out about the video. I edited some of the tracking out, because watching me sing the same lines over and over is little lengthy, but I actually did record four layers of all three harmony parts in one giant “take” (in other words, Mixcraft cycled around 12 times). The idea was to end up with an acapella vocal, but I tracked an electric piano part for pitch reference.

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Now that we’ve looped a section, here’s a video showing the recording of my three-part harmony (with four layers of each line).


Take recording mode is automatically enabled when a loop section is defined here’s a quick clip showing how to loop a section (click the “full-screen” button at the bottom right corner of the movie to see more clearly): The most common use for take recording is to lay down multiple passes of a vocal or instrumental passage for later editing into a single optimized performance, but there’s no reason we can’t use take recording to build multiple vocal tracks, with the intention of using all of them (or at least most of them, depending on the quality of the performance). When a section of a song is set to loop, Mixcraft automatically records a new pass with every “go-round” of the looped section – each pass is a separate audio recording and is assigned to a new automatically created “lane” on the record track. If you’re familiar with Mixcraft’s “take mode” and loop recording, there’s a much better way… here’s how: This works ok, but as you can imagine, you do a lot of starting, stopping, dragging, deleting, running-back-and-forth, etc. I’d hit the record button, run to the mic, sing one pass, lean over, hit the stop button and if the take was good, I’d drag it to one of the empty “playback” tracks. My method for recording myself used to be as follows: I’d create a “recording” track, then a bunch of empty “playback” tracks beneath. This means that if I’m tracking a three-part harmonized backing vocal, I’ll end up with a total of twelve tracks, i.e. That’s enough to make things sound real big I find any more is sort of diminishing returns. I find that stacking up four layers of each harmony note works well. And as you’ll see, you don’t need to be a great singer. The real secret is mainly just stacking a lot of tracks for a smooth, “homogeneous” sound. Ever wonder how to get huge, lush-sounding backing vocals? I used to think the secret was simply being a stellar vocal talent, but fortunately, that’s not the case.

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